dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery, My fingers trace the worn edges of the ticket, the familiar scratchy surface a comforting texture in the quiet of my room. The numbers, once a hopeful dream, now feel like ghosts of possibilities past. Dear Lottery, I write to you with a heart full of longing and a head full of what ifs.I know, I know, youre just a game. A chance, a fleeting dream. But sometimes, in the quiet moments of my life, I cant help but wonder what it would be like to win. To see those numbers align, to feel the jolt of disbelief, the rush of exhilaration. I imagine the freedom: the ability to finally pursue those passions that have been sidelined by bills and responsibilities. The chance to help those I love, to make a real difference in the world. I dream of a life unburdened by the constant worry of financial insecurity, a life where every day feels like a new adventure.But then, reality sets in. The lottery is just that a lottery. A gamble, a shot in the dark. The odds are stacked against me, and I know it. Still, I cant help but hold onto a glimmer of hope, a whisper of possibility. So, dear Lottery, I write to you, not as a desperate soul clinging to a pipe dream, but as a dreamer who refuses to let go of the magic you represent. You are a symbol of hope, a reminder that anything is possible, even if the odds are long. Ill keep buying my tickets, Ill keep holding onto that sliver of a chance, because even if I never win, the act of dreaming itself brings a certain kind of joy. Yours in hope,A Lottery Dreamer.

dear lottery